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Do you work hard to prove yourself? It is time to STOP! ⏰ ⛔️ ❌

wellbeing Nov 11, 2021
I hope you are taking loving care of yourself at the moment. 
What I want to share with you today,  is very deeply related to self care and self-love.
Please give yourself a few minutes to listen to this...
Do you ever feel not good enough and you think you need to work harder to prove yourself?
If so, you may find this video very helpful or even life changing.
Today I want to share with you a powerful conversation with Sarah Sparks who is an executive coach and a best-selling author of ‘STOP - the calmer way to future-proof your career and wellbeing.’
Sarah knows how tough it is to perform at the highest level. She has personally felt the health consequences of two breakdowns whilst working at a top city firm as an Executive Director. Today she talks honesty about causes and signs of burn out and how to prevent it.
Please share it with others if you think they may benefit from this powerful message.

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