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How gratitude can help you heal emotionally?

gratitude manifestation Sep 15, 2021

How can gratitude help you to heal and let go of difficult emotions in moments of challenges?

In this video I share what you can do when you are feeling lost, distraught and not quite sure what to do next.

When we have situations in our life that don’t go our way, when we think that things should be different, we tend to fight with reality.


What if this situation is meant to be a challenge?

What if this situation is exactly what I need right now? 

What can I learn from this experience in order to grow and expand?


I know it might be a lot to ask for in a moment of difficulties, but start feeling grateful  in advance for the opportunities to learn and grow as a person. When you do that miracles will start happening in your life.  As you accept, embrace and lean into everything you are experiencing, you’ll be surprised how many transformations, gifts will come to you. When you learn to see the gift in your challenges then your life will be filled with surprises, expansion and miracles.


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