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How to deal with challenges?

decision making intention Aug 11, 2021

Have you recently faced a challenge?  

Are you experiencing stress, overwhelm or even shock?


My life has recently been stretched in the most unexpected ways. I was rocked with deep worry for a beloved family member. Being afraid and upset affected my daily life in many ways. The silver lining being  that I had to go back to all my tools and resources to find peace, and the clarity to move forward.

I decided at the start that no matter what happens, this whole experience is going to bring greater expansion and miracles for me, and all involved.

I hope that by sharing this with you in hope that it may help you one day when you experience moments of challenge, pain or stress.



1. Come back to yourself.

Find time to be with yourself. Stop the external and internal noise even for a few minutes.

Stop doing, rushing, fixing. Breathe into your heart.

Ground yourself – connect with the earth.

In stillness check with yourself: How am I feeling? What do I need right now?


2. Speak to your soul.

Your soul is always ready to connect to you. Give yourself time and ask for help.

Ask wise questions and write your answers. Some of the questions could be:

  • What do I need to know about this situation to resolve it successfully?
  • How do I need to be in order to release all the gifts that are hidden inside?
  • What do I need to do to find a successful way forward?


3. Embrace your fear.

Use your best method from your Expansion Toolbox to reduce or transform your biggest fear related to this situation.


4. Be intentional.

What would you want to see happening as a best possible outcome in this situation? Give yourself space to imagine the best possible scenario and open the door for miracles.


5. Illuminate the whole situation with light, love, and blessings.

If you feel like you need some help with coming back to yourself, reconnecting with your inner wisdom and finding clarity about how to move forward, you can use my Clarity Activator which has helped me to find greater peace in my current situation as well.


Please share the video with anybody who may find it useful.


Lots of love,



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