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The Power of Letting Go

manifestation Jul 21, 2021


Are you fed up with waiting for  things to change? 

Do you need a breakthrough right now?

I have discovered over the years that if I want to attract something new into my life I need to make a space for it first. This means letting go of things, ideas, emotions, relationships or habits that don’t resonate with me anymore. Most blocks and delays shift quickly if you release what doesn’t serve  you.

 It is so important to become good at letting go because it will help  you to manifest whatever you desire in your life.

So, Is there anything in your life that you want to change?

What do you need to let go of in order to make it happen?


You can start letting go in two ways.

1. Clearing space around you: Get rid of things like old clothes, dusty piles of papers, old books and other kinds of clutter.

2. Clearing your inner space: Release resentment, anger, fear, sadness and guilt. 


Those actions will shift your energy, open your heart and make you more magnetic to what you  want.

In this video I share some tips about the power of letting go in order to create the life you love.  



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