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How to create miracles?

intention manifestation Sep 22, 2021


As you may have noticed in the past few weeks I have recorded a few videos focusing on different aspects of gratitude.

I am so excited to share with you the last in a gratitude series with a powerful method that has totally changed my life. I use this secret tool regularly to manifest miracles.

It will help you to attract amazing relationships, opportunities, money or love into your life.  It can organise your life to make you feel more happy, and peaceful. You will be able to create your best future by being grateful for it in advance.

All you need is a few minutes to open your heart  and think about what you would love to see happening in the future.  Then write it down in a form of a future script, being grateful in advance for what will happen. Read it out loud and feel the joy of your perfect future being manifested already. Always end with a 'thank you, it is done, it is done it is done'. 

I go into more depth explaining this in my programme The Successful Heart here. This programme includes a morning meditation, a blessing, an evening meditation, and it explains exactly how to write the future script. I highly encourage you to read it, to listen to it, and to use it. 


Sending you my gratitude for being here, for sharing this with your friends, and for sending me your comments on how your future scripting is working.



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