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Why do I walk barefoot?


Why do I walk barefoot?


Today I want to share with you the power of grounding. I can confidently say that grounding (earthing) has changed my life.

For me there is nothing more healing and rejuvenating than walking barefoot after a long day of sitting in front of my computer. All the tiredness, irritability, and headache, melt away within a few minutes of touching the ground. I always feel a sense of joy and peace filling up my body as soon as I connect to the Earth. I get a huge amount of nourishment from wild swimming, walking or growing vegetables.

In the last hundred or so years we have lost something vital for our health and wellbeing: our electrical connection to the Earth. With the advent of rubber and plastic soled shoes, and insulated mattresses in insulated houses, we spend our days and nights disconnected from the Earth.

Negatively charged particles are present on earth’s surface, and you can get negative electrons by planting your feet on the earth.

Everyday items that emit a positive charge, on the other hand, include cell phones, televisions, pollution, and Wifi.

High concentrations of positive ions are actually detrimental to your health.

You can ground yourself  by:

  • walking barefoot
  • lying on the ground
  • swimming in water

Grounding can help with inflammation, chronic pain, stress and anxiety, sleep problems and cardiovascular problems. The most immediately noticeable effect people report from being grounded is that they simply ‘feel better’.  This is described as a feeling of greater peace and wellbeing.


If you wish to find out how this can change your life you can read this book: 

"Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?" by Clinton Ober


Also see those two amazing movies on YouTube:

“The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding".

"Grounded" - an independent documentary about grounding.


Wishing you a very well-grounded summer.






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